Arrhenius, Svante, Worlds in the Making.
Clerk-Maxwell, James, Matter and Motion.
Daniell, Alfred, A Text-Book of the Principles of Physics.
Darwin, Sir G. H., The Tides.
Holman, Matter, Energy, Force and Work.
Kapp, Gisbert, Electricity.
Kelvin, Lord, Popular Lectures and Addresses. Vol. i. Constitution of Matter.
Lockyer, Sir Norman, Inorganic Evolution.
Lodge, Sir Oliver, Electrons and The Ether of Space.
Perrin, Jean, Brownian Movement and Molecular Reality.
Soddy, Frederick, Matter and Energy and The Interpretation of Radium.
Thompson, Silvanus P., Light, Visible and Invisible.
Thomson, Sir J. J., The Corpuscular Theory of Matter.